Level Up Learning

Hancock Place School District



0 Points

Dipity is a chronological timeline builder that takes useful information on the Internet.  These timelines not only cover a wide variety of history and social sciences topics (World War II, environmental disasters, popular culture, and elections), but they are also excellent for encouraging students to edit, evaluate, collaborate, and generate projects that can personalize history. (The free account is limited to 3 timelines)

  1. Go to www.dipity.com
  2. Create an account by filling in your email address and creating a username and password.

3. Dipity will then take you to the next step “Find your Contacts”- dipity is also a social site and your students may SKIP this step.



4. Create a timeline-  To create a timeline you only need to click Create a Timeline at the top of the page. Then you are welcomed with this simple, yet important box. None of the fields are required to create a timeline and you can go back and change them whenever you want.


Something very nice about this page, is how you can configure the permissions. In one simple step, Dipity lets you determine who can view the timeline, who can contribute to the timeline and who can edit the timeline. It is a great and easy way to set up a collaborative timeline with other people in the class.


  1. Adding images, videos, etc.- Dipity allows you to use already created material to help populate your timeline. Check it out below, and I will break it down more after the picture.


You can add YouTube videos, photos from Flickr, posts from a blog, etc. right into Dipity and it will add that automatically into the timeline based on the source information.

Of course if you need to add it manually, at the top of list is Add Event. When inputting the date, Dipity allows you to add it manually (or by selecting the date from a calendar). What’s great about this are the numerous ways you can input the date. You can use  slashes (1/23/2010), dashes (1-23-2010), abbreviations (Jan 23, 2010), without commas (jan 23 2010) and so on. When adding an event, you can add a picture (upload or from a URL), you can embed video, add a link, or even add a location. All of this information can be easily viewed on Dipity.  Also, if you don’t want to add all your events here you can do it from the timeline itself.


  1. Sharing/Embeding: you can embed it, share it, and even view it in full screen with these buttons at the top.

A finished timeline will look like this.

The Timeline


Earn Your Badge!

Submit/share a timeline that is either teacher created or student created.  If teacher, created explain how it was used in the classroom.  If student created, explain the assignment.

(Created by Heather Mattingly)

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