Level Up Learning

Hancock Place School District

Class Dojo

Class Dojo

0 Points

What is Class Dojo?

ClassDojo is a classroom tool that helps teachers improve behavior in their classrooms quickly and easily. It also captures and generates data on behavior that teachers can share with parents and administrators. This is an automatic communication tool for you, students, and parents.  Better learning behaviors, smoother lessons and hassle-free data – and its free! Class Dojo can be done on a laptop, iPad, or Chromebook.

Classroom Use of Class Dojo:

Instantly reinforce good behavior.

Easily award feedback points for behavior in class in real-time, with just one click of your smartphone or laptop. This actually improves behavior.

Engage students in minutes

ClassDojo provides instant notifications for your students (‘Well done Josh! +1 for teamwork!’). All fully customizable for your classroom.

Get hassle-free data and reports.

ClassDojo gives you behavior-tracking analytics and reports that can be shared with parents and administrators, all with just one click. No data entry needed, ever.

What are the benefits of using ClassDojo?

For teachers: in some classrooms, more than 50% of class time is spent managing behavior rather than delivering instruction; ClassDojo aims to greatly reduce this so teachers can do more teaching and less crowd control! In addition, for the first time, teachers have a painless way to focus on developing positive behavior over time, rather than just logging referrals once it is too late to intervene.

For students: research suggests the shorter the time period between an action and feedback for that action, the greater is the effect of the reinforcement. Specific positive reinforcement helps students develop a sense of purpose in the classroom, enhancing intrinsic motivation over time. By giving students visibility and data on their own behavior, ClassDojo makes class less disruptive and creates a more positive learning environment.

For parents: ClassDojo makes it easy to engage parents in their child’s development, by allowing teachers to provide them with realtime data from the classroom – with just one click.

Examples from classrooms: https://www.classdojo.com/ideas

Get your badge!

Set up a Class Dojo account to use with either one student or an entire class.  Share a screen shot of your Class Dojo roster.

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