Level Up Learning

Hancock Place School District

Story Jumper

Story Jumper

0 Points

  1. Go to www.storyjumper.com and click “sign up.”
  2. Once you have created your free account, you will create your class.
  3. Individually enter all of your students’ names and give them a temporary password. (When students login, they will be asked to change their password. If they forget their new password at any time, you can reset it from the teacher account.)
  4. You can give each of them a unique username, or let storyjumper generate a username.
  5. When students login, the teacher must also be logged in. The teacher must set a time for “Class Time Remaining” because students are only allowed to work on their story while the timer is ticking. When the time runs out, the students are automatically logged out and their work is automatically saved.
  6. If you would like students to be able to work on their stories at any time, you must go to the class roster and click “To use at home email —– parent.”
  7. To view students’ books, you must click your class name and scroll down to “Review Student Books.”
  8. You may share your students’ books by clicking the “share” button and copying the link provided underneath “Share with family and friends.”

Earn Your Badge:

You have two ways you could earn this badge:

  1. You can create your own book that you use in a lesson with your students.
  2. You can submit a student-created book.


In the “comments” section of the badge, you must put whether or not the book was created by the teacher or a student. Then, copy the link of the story that is provided when you click the “share” button under the completed book.


Created by:  Jodi Kremer

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