Level Up Learning

Hancock Place School District

PhET Science and Math Simulations

PhET Science and Math Simulations

0 Points


  • Go to https://phet.colorado.edu/
  • Click on Teachers Register Here
  • Get registered and take a screenshot confirming your registration. Attach the screenshot below.

  • Search through and play with simulations. Find one that interests you and that you may use in class.
  • Click on Teacher Resources found on the left side of the screen, then click on Browse Activities, also found on the left.
  • Under Simulations, scroll down to the simulation you were interested in and select.
  • Click on Browse on the far right side of the screen.
  • Take a look at some of the activities already created for that simulation and take a screenshot of the activity and attach below as well.

Earn Your Badge:

Submit a screenshot of the registrations confirmation and activity.


Created by:  Cory Grage



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