Level Up Learning

Hancock Place School District

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

0 Points

Classroom is a free web-based platform that integrates your Google Apps for Education account with all your Google Apps services, including Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar. It’s designed to save you time and paper.

Classroom also creates Drive folders for each assignment and for each class to help keep everyone organized. Teachers can attach material from their Drive folders to assignments they create. Students can also attach files from their Drive folders to coursework they submit in Classroom. Any files submitted as part of an assignment are automatically stored in Google Drive.

Students can keep track of what’s due on the assignments page and on Calendar and begin working with just a click. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn’t completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback and grades right in Classroom.

Watch a video about Classroom:

Ways to Use Classroom for Teaching and Learning

Classroom is designed to help teachers create and collect assignments paperlessly, including time-saving features like the ability to automatically make a copy of a Google Document for each student. It also creates Drive folders for each assignment and for each student to help keep everyone organized.

Students can keep track of what’s due on the Assignments page and begin working with just a click. Teachers can quickly see who has or hasn’t completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback and grades right in Classroom.

Earn Your Badge!

Set up a class through Google Classroom and submit a screenshot of the class.

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