0 Points
What is Flubaroo?
Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments.
Earn Your Badge!
- Give an assessment using a Google Form
- Take the assessment yourself to make your response the answer key.
- View the responses to your assessment in Google Sheets
- Choose Add-ons from the menu bar and select “Get add-ons”
- Search for Flubaroo and add it to your sheet
- Once Flubaroo has been added to your sheet, select it from the menu and “Enable Flubaroo for the sheet”
- After you have enabled it, choose “Grade Assignment” and follow the instructions it prompts you with making sure you select your answers as the answer key.
- Student responses will be graded based on the key and provide you with percentages and frequently missed questions.
- Share the grades response sheet or provide a screenshot of your grades in Flubaroo.
(Created by Lauren Fisher)