Level Up Learning

Hancock Place School District



0 Points

What is Flubaroo?

Flubaroo is a free tool that helps you quickly grade multiple-choice or fill-in-blank assignments.

flubaroo pic




Earn Your Badge!

  1. Give an assessment using a Google Form
  2. Take the assessment yourself to make your response the answer key.
  3. View the responses to your assessment in Google Sheets
  4. Choose Add-ons from the menu bar and select “Get add-ons”
  5. Search for Flubaroo and add it to your sheet
  6. Once Flubaroo has been added to your sheet, select it from the menu and “Enable Flubaroo for the sheet”
  7. After you have enabled it, choose “Grade Assignment” and follow the instructions it prompts you with making sure you select your answers as the answer key.
  8. Student responses will be graded based on the key and provide you with percentages and frequently missed questions.
  9. Share the grades response sheet or provide a screenshot of your grades in Flubaroo.

(Created by Lauren Fisher)

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