Level Up Learning

Hancock Place School District



0 Points

Bloomz is a new, free tool designed to help teachers, parents, and PTA members share information and photos through real-time communication and coordination. Built primarily for the K-8 environment, Bloomz is an excellent tool for helping create connections between parents and teachers.

Bloomz is available on the desktop, iPhone and Android phones.  Downloading the app is very easy and can be done in a couple of minutes.


To download from a mobile device, tablet or iPad:


  • Go to your app store (AppStore or PlayStore)
  • Search for Bloomz
  • You will see a Bloomz app, which is free
  • Click “Install”
  • Alternatively, you can click on the following links from your mobile phone’s browser:



To use on a desktop computer, PC or Mac:


  • Go to www.bloomz.net
  • You can log in (if you have received an invitation in email) by clicking “Join Bloomz”.
  • Teachers can join any time, create a class and invite parents.



Earn Your Badge:

  • You can turn in one for you class and one for your grade level.  
  • Take a snapshot of your Bloomz class or grade level homepage.


Created By:  Kim Hayman

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