Level Up Learning

Hancock Place School District

Joe Zoo Add On

Joe Zoo Add On

0 Points


JoeZoo could save you a lot of time when you’re giving feedback and grading students’ work in Google Documents. The initial set-up of JoeZoo, including creating rubrics and custom feedback phrases, could take a while but should prove to be a time-saver in the end.

JoeZoo does integrate with Google Classroom. You can import your Google Classroom rosters into JoeZoo to streamline the process of returning work to your students.

  • Create a rubric for an upcoming assignment – it can be a paragraph or an essay.
  • Give the rubric to your students
  • Add the rubric to the assignment and grade it
  • Take a screenshot of you utilizing JoeZoo on a student’s Google Doc
  • Show students how to view their feedback and grade
  • Export student data
  • Submit a class’s feedback/grade Google Sheet
  • Reminder: For points,  you need to submit to the screenshot and the Google Sheet


Earn Your Badge:

  1. Complete all the steps above in the directions
  2. Submit a screenshot of you utilizing JoeZoo on a student’s Google Doc
  3. Submit a class’s feedback/grade Google Sheet

Created by:  Krista Dunn

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