Level Up Learning

Hancock Place School District

CK-12: Advanced Customization

CK-12: Advanced Customization

0 Points

How to insert videos

You already know about the different types of learners out there, so why do we continue to teach students in the same formats? We recommend adding lots of different modalities to your lessons to reach all types of learners. Below, we will walk you through how to add a video to your CK-12′s educational content.

How to insert images

A picture is worth a thousand words. Use diagrams, infographics, charts, cartoons and photography in your science and math concepts and CK-12 FlexBooks to make it more visually appealing and increase the opportunity for learning. Inserting images into your educational content is easier than ever. Our editor allows images that fall under the Creative Commons License and are in the following formats: JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF.

How to insert links

The beauty of digital textbooks is their link (pardon the pun) to the internet. You can include a link in your science or math concept or FlexBook that can be clicked to go straight to the destination. No copy or pasting needed! Include links to your class website, online calculators, additional resources and more!

How to insert equations

Typing math equations on the computer can be incredibly difficult. That’s why we built an easy equation tool to create your own math equations to insert into FlexBooks and science and math concepts.

How to import documents

We make it easy to upload your documents directly to CK-12! Learn what you can import and how to do it here!

How to Embed CK-12 Practice

Did you know that you can embed CK-12 quizzes and assessments directly to your website? Well you can! Learn how you can embed existing quizzes and assessments or newly created resources you’ve created yourself to your website or your school’s website. We’ll give you a preview: It’s super easy!

Earn Your Badge:

Customize your CK-12 Flexbooks with advanced customizations.  This badge can be earned multiple times based on the different customizations.  Submit a screenshot and a text description of why you chose that customization for the concept presented.



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